Hi Carsten,
I don't have a response from the Ingres forum yet ... but it turns out I don't need to wait for one!
In the back of my mind I had a memory that my 'problem' report used to work ok using the generic ODBC driver. I've now tested that and found it is the case. This suggests that the unusual mm/dd-yyyy format in your current Ingres driver was probably picked up during construction.
The other REALLY good news for me, is that I've also tested the generic ODBC option doing date selection against my earlier Ingres releases ... and they all work fine!! I've also checked the Ingres ODBC traces and found that the sql date string shown in the trace is constructed by Ingres to suit the target server version.
So, this means that in order to correct the current problem with your Ingres driver, the current date string formatting code just needs to be replaced by whatever is being done within the generic ODBC option. My expectation is that it will be providing an ANSI compliant string which is being adjusted as appropriate by the Ingres/NET ODBC driver to suit the target server.
Hope I've explained this all clearly enough, and that this means the Ingres connection definition can be corrected fairly easily