Trick to drill down to another report?

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Trick to drill down to another report?

Postby Bob Cergol » Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:19 pm

I can't seem to figure out the trick to make one report drill down to another report.
The docs have a screen shot on page 40 that shows a report in the list, but in my case my choices are always limited to only:
Do not allow drill-down to form
Form (floating layout)
Form (column layout)

I tried defining Dynamic relations between the table/views involved but that didn't do it.

What do I need to do?

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Bob Cergol
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Re: Trick to drill down to another report?

Postby Mikkel Jensen » Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:21 am

Hi Bob

You are right about the need to setup a relation between the datasources. Once a relation is set, every report based on one of the sources can be set to drill to reports based on the other.

Below is an example that I just created based on the Dynamic AI Demo:

First I set up the relation:

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.56.08 AM.png
Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.56.08 AM.png (56.23 KiB) Viewed 4980 times

In a report that is based on one the sources in the relation (in this case a contact list):

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.57.58 AM.png
Report ID 116 in the Dynamic Demo
Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.57.58 AM.png (8.04 KiB) Viewed 4980 times

Drill down to is changed to the relevant related report:

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.59.16 AM.png
Change drill down behavior
Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.59.16 AM.png (44.24 KiB) Viewed 4980 times

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.59.31 AM.png
Report now drills to other report instead of form presentation
Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 9.59.31 AM.png (30.45 KiB) Viewed 4980 times

When report is executed related drill down will be show as

Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 10.00.00 AM.png
Related drill down
Screen shot 2010-01-12 at 10.00.00 AM.png (80.01 KiB) Viewed 4980 times

This example shows a simple related drill between a list and a pivot table with a fixed relation point (Contact ID).

In case that column names are identical in the two datasources Dynamic AI also offers automatic identification or the related drill down based on the users "click".

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Mikkel Jensen
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Re: Trick to drill down to another report?

Postby Bob Cergol » Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:01 pm

Thanks Mikkel,

I understood correctly. I just didn't do it correctly. I was using an actual table instead of my DAI view for the table in my relation. A report now appears in the available drill-down list based on the relation.


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Bob Cergol
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