Alias values is easy to apply on users when you want to limit the users right to see only ONE value (i.e. one product, one employee, one account). This is done simply by adding the value to the users @AliasX value and then filter the report by that specific Alias.
Setting up bundles of values (groups of several products, employees, accounts etc.) that a user can see needs a bit more definitions.
Below is an example of how to restrict a user to see only 3 accounts from an account table. This is combined with the force filter functionality set in the dictionary; meaning that all reports created on that specific datasource is automatically filtered by the users Alias value.
The below setup can be used on tables, views, Dynamic views and Dynamic Joins.
First of all you need a table to define the bundle of aliases. This table have to include bundle group definition and values:
Next thing is to set up the alias bundle in Administration / System / System / Alias:
Then setup a force filter restriction on the data source (table, view, Dynamic View or Dynamic Join):
When using force filter every user of reports based on that data source needs to have Alias setup on their profile. This can either be @ALL to allow them to see anything, a value to apply filter for that specific value (account number in this example) or information of bundle group. The bundle group looks like:
Be aware that any changes on user accounts will take place at next login from that user.
Be aware that the 'GLacc_' works as a prefix for identifying the alias group in the bundle table and the 'TEST' is the identification of the bundle values. You could for example in the same bundle table have 'GLProduct_' to be used together with Alias3.
You will probably need several groups for different kind of users. For example some users can see some accounts and other users can see another set of accounts. To do that simply add new records to the bundle table with another identification after the prefix (as 'TEST'). This could be A, B, C or some more explaining names. Then refer to name on the users Alias setting.
Below is a browse of the account table from a user with an @ALL set on Alias5:
And here with Alias bundle filter:
Remember that the easiest way to maintain the alias bundle table is by using Dynamic AI list edit functionality!