Margin on the i-Pad

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Margin on the i-Pad

Postby JeffKimmel » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:00 pm


First of all, let me say thanks for helping me get this far, your help has been very much appreciated.

If you look at the reports attached, the report on the i-pad shows a margin to the left of the report that I am trying to get rid of. I've gotten the others to work by setting the width of Fieldset in the css to 100%. This doesn't appear to work on the i-pad & I can't get into a diagnostics type area to see what the element might be.

first, is there a tool on the i-world that lets me inspect elements so I can take a look at what might need be adjusted and secondly can you offer up suggestions for me elements to check to make this look better on the i-pad.


Report on a Compute
Laptop.JPG (50.08 KiB) Viewed 23573 times
Report on iPad
i-Pad.PNG (64.22 KiB) Viewed 23573 times
report on iPhone
i-Phone.PNG (78.87 KiB) Viewed 23573 times
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Re: Margin on the i-Pad

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:26 pm

Hi Jeff,

I hadn't seen this post was unanswered - sorry!

I use Safari on Mac with iPad user agent for inspecting. However it is not straight forward in the normal iPad Dynamic AI as it will not display anything than the start page... I think you are using ai.asp calls so maybe that can work.

If you can switch user agent on Chrome that is another candidate (webkit) - I think you can ...

The specific issue I think is having width from the top bar

"Driver Chat Log - Ext Select Driver"

Can you try with a shorter naming to see whether I'm right?

Maybe if you are hiding (display:none;) on The toolbar and the Tabs this would then also help. But I don't know whether you are using these on the specific report?

Best regards,
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Carsten Sørensen
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