by Bob Cergol » Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:31 pm
Hi Cynthia,
I don't see an error in your dyn-join. I notice your first "table" is actually a dynamic data source -- probably a join since I don't think you are using dyn-views at this time. You are allowed to do this by the way.
What is the error you are getting?
If it is "invalid use of null" then it could mean you have null values in your data that is causing a problem.
If so, you will have to either eliminate the null values -- or use a dyn-view to convert them to a value like:
isNull(order.[date],'1751-01-01') as order_date,
isNull(order.amount,0) as order_amount,
You don't have to convert every column, just the ones involved in joins, groupings and some formulas -- especially if "case" statement is involved.