Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

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Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

Postby cjbates » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:42 pm

See attached - the Captions that I have indicated on the List Options tabs for Calculated total columns are not being displayed based on my settings. Not sure where this information is coming from?
dynamicaitcalculatedtotals.png (174.53 KiB) Viewed 32122 times
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Re: Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

Postby Bob Cergol » Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:51 pm

Hi Cynthia,

This result is due to some automatic behavior in Dynamic that is more often helpeful than not. On "Count" totals if there is no caption, i.e. the caption = the actual column name, then it is automatically captioned 'n'. This is very useful behavior when using on-screen report design and making a count on a column with a really long name. Just change the caption to anything else you like.

Also, in case you haven't already noticed when making a grouping where the 2nd column is a "caption" to the first, the column name/caption from the first column alone becomes the title of the combined column. I usually retitle it to explicityly match the displayed information.

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Re: Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

Postby cjbates » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:13 pm

HI Bob,

If you look at my screen shot, that calculated total column does have a caption indicated as "Count" but it is not being used on the graph...Is there somewhere else I need to update this?

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Re: Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

Postby Bob Cergol » Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:59 pm

Hi Cynthia,

The graph doesn't show in your screen shot.

But notice that the count column on your report is simply 'n'. This is automated behavior on a count column absent your providing an explicit name. Try changing the caption on the J2.Count total to something more descriptive like "Trns. Count" or "Unit Cnt." etc. What kind of chart are you using. It looks to me that you have an order of magnitude difference among you totals. The chart is going to scale to support the highest values -- so the lowest ones maybe difficult to see without using a "multple y axis" type of chart.

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Bob Cergol
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Re: Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

Postby cjbates » Mon Jul 23, 2012 8:31 pm

Hi Bob,

The caption for J2 is set up as "Count" but the report column is displayed as "n". You can see this in my screen shot....
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Re: Captions for Calculated Totals not matching List Options

Postby Bob Cergol » Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:39 pm

Did you try changing the caption on the J2.Count total to something more descriptive like "Trns. Count" or "Unit Cnt." etc? -- anything excecpt "Count" which Dynamic AI is recognizing as identical to the actual column name and so showing 'n' to denote a total type of 'count' on that column.
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