AI6, DB2 SQL0206N error opening a Table

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AI6, DB2 SQL0206N error opening a Table

Postby samuel » Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:35 pm

AI 6, accessing DB2 Express C-9.1 on Windows 2003 Server.

I get this error on some tables from my DB when I click on Table Name inside "Explore Database".

Code: Select all
Dynamic AI can't open the list Operac:
While executing SQL against the IBM DB2 OLEDB ( database, a problem arose.

The issue reported from the database is:

[DB2/NT] SQL0206N "DAI_.CODOPERAC" não é válido no contexto em que foi utilizado. SQLSTATE=42703

You can click here to open the Report in Design for investigation and for editing.

DAI 0002000-24 SELECT DAI_.CodOperac, DAI_.Descricao, DAI_.RECNUM, DAI_.Tipo FROM DB2ADMIN.OPERAC DAI_

This is happening with 3 or 4 tables. But the table is accessible by another app normaly.

I noted that tables that have fields name with Upper and Lower case, this problemas happens. And tables that have just UpperCase field names, AI can build the list.

What is Happening?

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Upgrade available

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:18 pm


You have correctly pointed out that the error most likely is caused by the lowercase column names. You should be able to work-around the issue by creating a Dynamic AI SQL View and put quotes around the lower-case columnnames - something like: SELECT "lowercasename" AS COL1 ,..

We have recently made a fix to handle lowercase DB2 columns automatically - should be available in all latest editions.

You can find the latest Personal/Desktop edition here: ... rsonal.exe

Thanks for your interest in Dynamic AI and for raising this question in the forum! If above actions doesn't solve the issue - then please let us know!

best regards,
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Carsten Sørensen
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Postby samuel » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:12 pm

Hi again.

My version is not Personal, I have an oficial Server edition.

When you think this fix would be availabe to download it?

And about the view, I will try it and post the result later...


Samuel Pizarro
Samuel Pizarro
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Postby Carsten Sørensen » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:42 pm

Hi Samuel,
THe server edition with the fix is already available.
I'll send you a link to the file.
best regards,
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