exporting reports create on Dynamic free edition

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exporting reports create on Dynamic free edition

Postby luis santos » Tue May 27, 2008 11:42 pm


first i would like to say that your program is fantastic and also an excellent BI to explore data. Every day i´am discover everything new and it´s great.

i´am install your free edition product on my notebook computer and i want to know if is possible to deploy a report on them and export the same to my laptop home computer.

Also , when i use filter the default is '*' but if i try to search an empty field string , how can do that.

Many thanks
Luis Santos
luis santos
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue May 27, 2008 11:34 pm

Postby Mikkel Jensen » Wed May 28, 2008 11:05 am

Hi Luis,

Thanks a lot for your comments!

The Dynamic AI Server and Enterprise editions allow Export/Import of individual report definitions.

Export/Import functionality is not available in the Personal/Desktop editions, however: You can move a set of reports to another computer with a copy of the LCLDNMC.dai file. You will find the file in the subfolder called DAT found in the Dynamic AI folder. Default installation path would be C:\Program Files\Dynamic AI\DAT.

The LCLDNMC.dai file stores the defined connections, views and reports. Be aware that Dynamic AI doesn’t store any data, so the computer you move the file to, should have the same access to the databases that the reports are based on as the original one.

If you rename the LCLDNMC.dai file you will see that it is possible to work
with several applications (application=xxxx.dai file). You can switch between the applications by selecting them in the bottom of the reports menu.

Regarding search for empty strings the easiest way is to set a condition on the report on the specific field.

On strings you can use:
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