Greetings, I'm back already!
I avoided DAI joins in favor of DAI views and did my joins in them, because I previously did not understand that once I created DAI views, they would become available for use by join builder! I should have known better, as a view amounts to a virtual table and of course tables can be joined.
Question: Given an invoice contains a Job number, customer ID, and sales rep ID, and that the order likewise contains the same customer and sales rep ID's does it make any difference whether I define the joins from those fields in the invoice versus the order to the customer and sales rep tables? Probably in a small database performance can't be an issue, but maybe it is in a large database and/or when many more tables are being joined? Or maybe there is just an understood "correct" way to do it even if both work?
My history with Dataflexis such that I am accustomed to mostly a single relational pathway, and it is always from the "bottom up" and children do not relate to their grandparents directly (though Dataflex permits it), rather through the parents.
Any tips or insights are appreciated.