Problem accessing some MySQL tables

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Moderators: Bob Cergol, Data Access, Cintac

Problem accessing some MySQL tables

Postby leicray » Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:21 pm

I have just downloaded and installed Dynamic AI Personal Edition and installed it on my PC without any initial problems. I connected successfully to my MySQL database running on a remote server.

However, although most tables can be viewed successfully, others result in the error message "ODBC driver does not support the requested properties." I'm only trying to view the data in the table, not even trying to manipulate the data. As luck would have it, it's the tables that will not view that are needed to create the reports that I want to generate.

Can anybody suggest what the problem might be?

Many thanks.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:01 pm

Hi Leicray,

Of the top of my head, my guess would be that the tablea in question contain "something" that is not supported by the mySQL oledb provider.

This could be:
invalid date values (mysql allows dates like August Zero, 2007) -you'd need to filter/transform these values in a view
Non standard SQL datatypes (or user defined types?) -do field type transforms in a view.

Maybe create a dynamic view where you start by adding all text columns - if that works, add integer cols. Etc. till you see an error. Then you'll know the "offending" column / value. Please post back here about your findings.

Best regards
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