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Error connecting to SQL Server

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:04 am
by Pepe

We have a new client with A Dynamic AI Named User Server license. The setup is as follows:
a) Dynamic AI running on a Windows 2003 Server 64 bits
b) Microsft SL Server 2005 running on a Windows 2003 Server 64 bits

Afetr setting up IIS to be able to run in 32 bits mode Dynamic is working OK. Logged in as Administrator and changed passwords.

We are unable to make a connection to the SLQ Server from Dynamic.
We have trie with the server name and IP address of the machine. No special ports and only one instance of SQL running on that server. We have tried with different SQL users: SA and one created specifically to test with all the permissions. We keep getting "Error on initializing session for the user" (or something similar translated from Spanish).

With a Personal Edition on a PC on the network they were able to connect to the Database.

Any hints of what might be wrong?


Re: Error connecting to SQL Server

PostPosted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:19 pm
by Carsten Sørensen
Hi Pepe,

Did you get a solution?

Best regards

Re: Error connecting to SQL Server

PostPosted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:34 am
by Pepe
Problem just solved

The customer had some problems with MS-SQL restrictions, password expiration and user locking that he managed to solve this morning.
