Dictionary? How to make it work?

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Dictionary? How to make it work?

Postby samuel » Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:18 pm

I have updated some fields captions on my Dictionary.
On help It says:
The dictionary is used in order to allow central maintenance of field/column captions (in 3 different languages) as well as enabling central maintenance of field/column help texts.

and also say:
Whether or not the dictionary is defined before or after the creation of Reports, the dictionary will take effect

But I can't see It effects any where! On Reports that have been created before or even after the dictionary has been updated, the field name and caption still get the HARD FIELDNAME.

How does it work? Where It is applyed?

Samuel Pizarro
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Postby admin » Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:42 pm

Hi Samuel,

Sorry if I'm explaining something you already know...

The dictionary has 3 caption fields. When you edit dictionary, you will see SOURCEFIELDNAME as the acutal field name, and then CAPTIONLNG1, CAPTIONLNG2 and CAPTIONLNG3.

The CAPTIONLNG1-3 corresponds to the 3 languages loaded (they are chosen on the Setup tab under Administration/System/System. Language 1 is always english.

So if you have chosen Portuguese as Language 2 and Spanish as Language 3, you will need to modify CAPTIONLNG2 for portuguese and CAPTIONLNG3 to affect the spanish field captions. -Modifying CAPTIONLNG1 will only have an effect for users with English as their chosen language.

The dictionary captions should be read at startup and again at each update to dictionary. All reports using the fields in question are affected, IF a caption has not been changed manually at the report level - in this case, the manually provided captions are still used.

I hope this answers your question - if not, please ask again

Best regards

Bo Andersen
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Postby samuel » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:19 pm

Hi Bo...

What happened here is that my original connection hasn't the Catalog/Schema information so the Table name was referenced like:
DB2ADMIN.MOVIMENT. This was the name used when the dictionary was created for this table.

And some time after, I had edited the Catalog/Owner fot this connection, and now the tables names does not need the shchema DB2ADMIN. anymore. So the table name is only MOVIMENT and not DB2ADMIN.MOVIMENT

So on dictionary I was editing the field captions for the DB@ADMIN.MOVIMENT table name. Thats why it was not working and I couldn't see any results.

So I created the Dictionary again for this table, and now on my Dictionary I have duplicates entries for the same table
One with the correct name, just MOVIMENT and an older one, with the previous name DB2ADMIN.MOVIMENT.

Editng the right one, know I can see It realy works.

Now, as I have duplicate entries on Dictionary, I can't see an option to delete the obsolet entry... There is an option to DELETE a record for the Dictionary?


Samuel Pizarro
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Postby admin » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:46 am

Hi Samuel,

I'm glad you got it to work.

To get rid of your "left over" dictionary entries, in this case, you will need to modify your connection and remove the Owner/Catalog information temporarily - then choose "maintain dictionary" on the table in question - that will bring you to the dictionary maintenance screen from where you can delete the entries.

After that, modify your connection again to reenter the owner/catalog info.

Best regards

Bo Andersen
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Postby samuel » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:01 pm

Hi Bo.

Thanks for your reply.

I think a good way to do this, would be a "Delete" button available on Dictionary Maitenance on Administration section.

Administration -> General -> Dictionary -> Caption by field
In this page we have all dictionary entries, but only an "Update" button.
If we have here an "Delete" button it would be enought.


Samuel Pizarro
Estância Árvore da Vida
Samuel Pizarro
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Postby Carsten Sørensen » Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:47 am

Hi Samuel,

We agree to your suggestion and have now implemented the DELETE functionality on the dictionary administration options.

Will be available in the next upgrade.

Thanks for your input!

best regards,
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Postby kingbudz » Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:48 pm

Bo Andersen wrote:Hi Samuel,

Sorry if I'm explaining something you already know...

The dictionary has 3 caption fields. When you edit dictionary, you will see SOURCEFIELDNAME as the acutal field name, and then CAPTIONLNG1, CAPTIONLNG2 and CAPTIONLNG3.

The CAPTIONLNG1-3 corresponds to the 3 languages loaded (they are chosen on the Setup tab under Administration/System/System. Language 1 is always english.

So if you have chosen Portuguese as Language 2 and Spanish as Language 3, you will need to modify CAPTIONLNG2 for portuguese and CAPTIONLNG3 to affect the spanish field captions. -Modifying CAPTIONLNG1 will only have an effect for users with English as their chosen language.

The dictionary captions should be read at startup and again at each update to dictionary. All reports using the fields in question are affected, IF a caption has not been changed manually at the report level - in this case, the manually provided captions are still used.

I hope this answers your question - if not, please ask again

Best regards

Bo Andersen

well its ok thanks for sharing some good info here..

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Postby samuel » Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:06 pm

Thanks Bo Andersen.
Samuel Pizarro
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