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subtotal showing for hidden total field

PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:09 pm
by cjbates
Hi Bob,

I am having a problem with a total showing up on a report for a Total that is hidden. The Total is needed for another formula, so I have to add it to the Totals in List. Why is the subtotal displaying when the rest of the column is hidden? The 6274 figure is the subtotal of the hidden column.


Re: subtotal showing for hidden total field

PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:45 pm
by Bob Cergol
Hi Cynthia,

I have encountered something similar -- though never with the total from the hidden column showing in a different column! Also, I can't reproduce the pattern of the hidden column showing up as blank in the drill-down, though I've encountered that in the past. When I test, the hidden column and total remain hidden as I drill down. I'd like to take a first hand look at this if you can provide me access. Send me a private email.

A workaround for you might be to hide the grand row total and use a key figure to display the one grand total that you do want to show. There is a checkbox on list options page to do this. Also you can do a lot with style sheets -- modifying the existing one you are using (save as) and then add things like this to the bottom to control the display.


The above suppresses display of total label and value at the 1st and 3rd group level, and also the grand total row label and value.

You can read about the definition of this in the documentation under "Style Maintenance."
