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Calculated Totals at highest summary level not correct

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:30 pm
by cjbates
Hi Bob,

I have another situation where the calculated totals at the highest summary level dont jive with the calculated totals on the drill downl levels. Please see attached. In this situation, the AVG Percent calculated in the bottom half is correct, it is the average of the Percentages listed. But in the top half, the Percentages listed are not correct. E.g. for Berkshire 42/696 <> 98.5. I cant figure out what this is doing at this level.

I am also unable to calculate the percentage itself using a is what I am using, but it returns 0.


Any help or explanation you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Calculated Totals at highest summary level not correct

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 7:05 pm
by Bob Cergol
Hi Cynthia,

The formula you show looks wrong -- unbalanced [ ] -- did you type this yourself or create it using the on-screen formula editor.

For the average percentage values, I'm not sure I see what you are after.

What is the formula you are using to calculate the "Percent" column and what is the total type?

What do you think the correct "Percent" total value for Berkshire should be?


Re: Calculated Totals at highest summary level not correct

PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:37 pm
by cjbates
Hi Bob,

I think I figured out that I had a data problem. The fields I was calculating on were not in my child table and so the roll up calculations did not work. Once I made the table with the calculated fields the child table, everything is working perfectly. Thanks for your help.
