Scrollbars on nested reprots

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Scrollbars on nested reprots

Postby JeffKimmel » Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:05 pm


I create objects on the fly inside a table. In the code below, the div is a td:

var inner = '<p class = "podHeader"><mark class="podTitle">' + rptHeader;
inner = inner + '</mark><a href="#" onClick="refreshMe(\'' + divID + '\',\'' + rptHeader + '\',\'' + rptURL + '\',\'' + rptHeight + '\')" class="podRefresh">refresh</a> </p>';
inner = inner + ' <object type="text/html" data="' + rptURL + '" width="100%" height = "' + rptHeight + 'px" class="reportDiv">';
inner = inner + '</object>';
mydiv.innerHTML = inner;

The screenshot shows that things look good. On the i-pad however, the scrollbars do not appear. In doing research I think all I need to do is add:

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

I'n troubleshooting this I've been trying to suppress the scrollbar on the pc (to prove to myself I know what object I need to be checking). I have not been successful in stopping the scrollbar from showing up. SHould I be setting the scrollbar in the 'td', or the 'object' (or somewhere else entirely)? I've tried looking at the objects in web tools but I cannot seem to get the right element.


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Re: Scrollbars on nested reprots

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:53 pm

Hi Jeff,

As far as I know you'll not get scroll-bars on the iPad. I have used a fixed sized div element around content that I need to scroll - but you will not see scroll-bars in traditional form (at least that is my experience...).

There is a project called iScroll that I tested in the past - without using it - but that might address what you are looking for.

best regards,
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