Dashboard Questions

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Dashboard Questions

Postby JeffKimmel » Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:50 pm


I have a dashboard (png attached) that looks pretty good but I have some questions on some presentation/changes to the layout.

1) Can I remove the top section and only include the tiles. The Job Desc dropdown & the job description are not useful to this dash.

2) Can I include another dial & if so, how can I change the color of these dials to let the user know which dial is which?

3) Can I dynamically change the scale on each individual gauge to show totals instead of having a fixed scale on each gauge. I have these reports ordered by cost but I don't know what those are. If each gauge could have a different range I might be able to show this.

3a) If 3 is not possible, is there a way to modify where the "Job Desc:...." bit is on each gauge to include another value from the report? That way I can at least show the user what the total values are for each gauge without having to guess what it is.

4) Is there a way to change the background color of each gauge dynamically? I'd like to show gauges that are 'losing' money to show in red & gauges that are 'making' money show in green.

5) When I click on the gauge itself it shows the entire report, is there a way for that to only run the selected gauge as the 'selected' job on the report.


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Re: Dashboard Questions

Postby Bob Cergol » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:09 pm

Hi Jeff,

I can't answer all the questions, so someone else from Cintac needs to reply but here's what I can offer:

1) Since you can apply a style sheet to the dashboard you can creating a custom style sheet by cloning an existing one and just add this as the last line: #slctorframe { display: none;}

2) There is one gauge or dial per report so you'd have to create another report to get a 2nd gauge. If you want a 2nd needle on the gauge you can do this in your rules script. According to the release notes:
"to set color ranges and 2nd hands for gauge Tile’s and to set ranges for background colors on the other Tile types:
{ from: 0, to: [[D_firstBreak_D@MAX]], color: '#F8F8F8'},
{ from: [[D_firstBreak_D@MAX]], to: [[D_SecondBreak_D@MAX]], color: '#55BF3B'}
[[Amount]], [[D_budget_D]]

3 - 4) You specify the guage scale in your script -- but Dynamic AI will still automatically re-scale it when the values exceed your scale. It looks like you can specify which total(s) are used in the "gauges_hands_start" block. The release notes say you can only control the background color on the "other" tile types.

If it were me, when you have the large number of gauges you do (150+!) I would create multiple reports to achieve the visual organization and used conditions in the reports to return only the jobs under budget, over budget, etc. Then you can have different scripts to control the scale and color -- or you can use the tCharts and have different custom gauges -- including different background colors.

5) These dashboard tiles are designed to drill down to the full report -- since they are also designed to show a single total.You'd need to use the high-chart gauge chart if you want to drill-down to the specific group total in the underlying report.

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Re: Dashboard Questions

Postby Bob Cergol » Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:28 pm

P.S. Another idea to conditionally control the colors might be to use a high-chart gauge and use Dynamic AI's conditional formatting. In that circumstance the conditional color is applied to the chart element(s) according to the charted total's place in the value ranges (thresholds). Finally, you can also hard-code a chart color by appnding "@chartcolor:RED", etc. to the grouper caption. You could make a case statement to make the group column caption variable using a dyn-view.

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Re: Dashboard Questions

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Sun Sep 23, 2012 11:28 pm

Hi Jeff,

Without going deep into details - because I'm in the middle of making you a new build.

1. The "Performance Navigation Type" dashboard - is very minimalistic.
2. You can have the Big Number, Bar, Trend backgrounds of "tiles" change depending on individual gauges_ranges that can be derived from actual rangenumber read from your reports.
3. You can have 2 hands per "Gauge meter" - I think Bob specified the syntax for that above.

In my opinion the "Big Number" Tiles are the coolest - especially when used with color ranges. You can also show a 2nd number on those.

Best regards,
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