I have a dashboard (png attached) that looks pretty good but I have some questions on some presentation/changes to the layout.
1) Can I remove the top section and only include the tiles. The Job Desc dropdown & the job description are not useful to this dash.
2) Can I include another dial & if so, how can I change the color of these dials to let the user know which dial is which?
3) Can I dynamically change the scale on each individual gauge to show totals instead of having a fixed scale on each gauge. I have these reports ordered by cost but I don't know what those are. If each gauge could have a different range I might be able to show this.
3a) If 3 is not possible, is there a way to modify where the "Job Desc:...." bit is on each gauge to include another value from the report? That way I can at least show the user what the total values are for each gauge without having to guess what it is.
4) Is there a way to change the background color of each gauge dynamically? I'd like to show gauges that are 'losing' money to show in red & gauges that are 'making' money show in green.
5) When I click on the gauge itself it shows the entire report, is there a way for that to only run the selected gauge as the 'selected' job on the report.