Automatic identification Problem

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Automatic identification Problem

Postby jollt » Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:28 pm


I implement an automatic login for DAI in my application : when the user clic on a link for a specific report, the log into DAI is transparent for the user, and the rapport only is shown.

In some case, and for some user it's always the case, when the user clic the 1st time the loggin window of DAI is shown. The user close this window and clic again on the link, and it's working as expected!!

It seems to have an initialisation problem somewhere.
Is there any possibility (api, ...) to force this initialisation, or to simulate a first clic? (I try to force in a hidden frame the call of a report, but the DAI loggin window is not shown into the hidden frame but in the Main window of my application :-( )

Hope I am clear enough on this subject.

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Re: Automatic identification Problem

Postby Bob Cergol » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:05 pm


This sounds to me like an IIS settings issue.
I see this happen on my own laptop -- not from inside an application -- but just in the browser window itself.

The pattern is my browser is displaying the Dynamic AI login screen -- but I don't login. I don't shut my laptop down. The next day I log-in. I wait a few seconds and the screen refreshes with a fresh log in screen.

I've just never done anything about it -- and no clients have ever complained about it -- even one who uses a VDF application with Dynamic AI intelligence integrated with it just as you describe for yours.

I think what is going on is the application pool setting for recycling (default 1,740 minutes = 29 hours) causes the Dynamic AI application to be restarted -- while my browser session is active -- and caching some information. I will test by changing this setting.

Another possibility is if you also are running Exchange Server on the server hosting Dyanmic AI -- it changes some settings in IIS that affect Dynamic AI's behavior -- but I don't remember exactly what. I will have to research -- or maybe Eddy or Bo will jump in.

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Re: Automatic identification Problem

Postby Bob Cergol » Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:20 pm

I am correct.

I just tested logging out of Dynamic AI in my browser, and then clicking the login button to display the login screen.

Next in IISMgr. I right clicked on the DynPool appliation pool and clicked "recycle".

Then I logged into Dynamic AI and got the behavior of it not recognizing the login but refreshing with a new login screen.

I don't know if this would be considered a Dynamic AI problem or not -- perhaps -- but you can change the recycle setting on DynPool from 1,740 to zero -- and then it will never recycle. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not.

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Re: Automatic identification Problem

Postby admin » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:26 pm

Hi Jeromé and Bob,

Currently, after any type of unload (server reboot, IISreset or application pool recycle), the first request to Dynamic AI initializes and brings up a login screen. Dynamic AI ignores form posts and parameters on this one request.

You could try have your application fire an empty request or a login to ai.asp before the real request - I think Eddy does this in the VDF library.
But in my opinion it should be very rare that this is necessary. Bobs suggestion with disabling app pool recycling is better.

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Re: Automatic identification Problem

Postby jollt » Tue Jan 31, 2012 3:08 pm

Thanks for your answers.
As I explained, I already try to fire an report on an hidden frame when a user connect to my application, but unfortunatly, the DAI login page is not shown on the hidden frame but on the main window, so the user is automaticaly log of my application and still see the DAI Login window.
I'll try the suggestion of bobs and I 'll let you know.



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