Access 2007 problems

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Access 2007 problems

Postby lnielsen7 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:14 pm

I have recently installed Dynamic AI Personal Edition.
I met 2 problems:

[*]Trying to create a new connection to access 2007 I cannot test the connection unless the database is placed in the root of my drive. I get the result: Could not find: C:\Users\Leif\Documents\Ny mappe\lp2.mdb[/*]
[*]Trying to execute Dynamic Join Builder I get a syntax error:[/*]

FROM ("Indkøb cd 2010" DAI_
LEFT JOIN "Ny ordre 2006 fra lev" J2 ON DAI_.[Lev nr] = J2.[Lev nr])

Apparently Access 2007 doesn't accept "tablename" but requires [tablename]

Please advise on how to proceed
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Re: Access 2007 problems

Postby admin » Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:39 pm

Hi Leif,

Personal Edition can run under Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) or the bundled quickweb server.

It sounds like you're running IIS, and the issue with where you're access file is stored has to do with file system permissions.

on never machines (windows vista and later), IIS "assumes" the permissions of a local user account named "IUSR". For Dynamic AI to see your access file, this user must have read (and optionally write) permissions to the file. The easiest way for you to test this is to check the ntfs permissions on "Ny Mappe" and grant IUSR permissions.
If you're on an earlier windows version, the problem is the same, but the user to look for is IUSR_computername

I will check on the issue with "" versus [] around tablenames in access 2007, but to begin with, you can copy the join source to a Dynamic AI SQL view and replace the quotes with square brackets. Or you can try to rename your tables to something with no spaces or special characters. Tablenames are only quoted if they include spaces.

best regards

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Re: Access 2007 problems

Postby lnielsen7 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:20 pm

Hi Bo,

Thank you for a very quick answer. That is appreciated.
You were absolutely rigth. Granting IUSR access-rights on the destination folder solved the access problem.

I edited the original posting as I did try to create a Dynamic AI SQL view. It works during the design-phase using "Execute" - but if I save it and try to "Browse" I get an error:

Dynamic AI can't open the list Test1:

While executing SQL against the Access (lp2a) database, a problem arose.

Dynamic AI is using the view (ID:14 - Test1) with the following SQL defined:

FROM ([Ny ordre 2006 fra lev] DAI_
LEFT JOIN [Antal rest pr artikel 2006] J2 ON DAI_.Varenr = J2.Varenr)

The issue reported from the database is:

Navnet "" er ikke et gyldigt navn. Kontrollér, at det ikke indeholder ugyldige tegn eller ugyldig tegnsætning, og at navnet ikke er for langt.

Luckily you're danish, so you won't have any problem reading the error.

Actually it seems that I forgot to save the edit to the original post

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