by Bob Cergol » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:31 pm
There's no difference using any valid SQL syntax in the Select statement in a Dynamic AI view versus using it in a +column in the report. For example I use the following in an AR aging report as a +Column called "Current":
Case when DATEDIFF(Day, DocDate, GetDate()) < 30 then d_Inv_Bal_d else 0 end
You will find that for reports built on Dyn-Joins, if you reference a column in a + column formula, then you must also use that column in the details or totals, otherwise the report does not "know" that the column exists -- because only used columns are included in the select statement sent to the server -- and you will get an error when running the report.
I think its reasonable to expect that if you stick with "least common denominator" SQL syntax in your reports then they can be applied on top of different back-ends. Beyond that the different vendors invented their unique variations on SQL syntax and if you use those, Dynamic AI isn't going to translate those for you.