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multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:20 pm
by jollt

Is there a possibility to generate on the same report (not on a dashboard) several pie chart?

For exemple, I have a list of risk with their priority for 2009 and their priority for 2010 :

Code: Select all
Risk_Name Prio_2009 Prio_2010
Risk1         1            1
Risk2         1            2
Risk3         2            2
Risk4         3            2
Risk5         3            3

I need to generate a pie with the number of risk by priority for 2009 and one for 2010


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:29 pm
by Bob Cergol

I think Dynamic would have to be changed to support such a capability.

Why won't a report package server your purpose?

You could make two identical reports each with a different condition or default filter -- and the 2nd one could be set to graph only.


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:51 pm
by jollt

a report package might be OK.
I just want to be sure that it not exists a "report" solution that I can implement in my existing reports before create new one.

I'll try your way.


best regards,


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:53 pm
by admin
Hi Jerome,

If you look at the available pies, try making a pivot (row and column groupings) that shows your data - then add the pie named "* PIE Legend modern colors" (others may work as well) - pick the option "X-axis=rows series=columns"
Now you should have your two pies in one -you may need to edit the style to size, position the pies. (edit, press "save as" with a new name, then edit your report to pick the new style up).

Good luck


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:03 pm
by Bob Cergol

When I tried this in the demo database using the "Sales by Company" report -- I got a single pie chart with tags on each slice showing the multiple column totals.


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:42 pm
by admin
I'm having troupble with videos over a certain size, so this is very brief..

Try to follow my example here: ... pies-1.swf

I have a list with BOTH row and column groupings. I want each col group to be a separate pie..
I pick my pie from the list of charts, pick the last of the format options and get 2 pies. Now they need to be formatted so they appear as I want them.. The Edit button (available only on IE browsers and not in personal edition) lets you manipulate all properties on the chart. When satisfied, do a Save AS.. with a new name - then edit the report and pick the new chart style from the list and save the report.

Hope this helps


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:34 pm
by Bob Cergol

Thanks for that.

The step I was missing from your earlier post was setting the "multiple pies" format option in the graph editing to "automatic". I was expecting to just see the multiple pies. I tried with the sales report and I actually got 3 pies. At first it didn't look like it worked -- but then I increased the graph size on the options tab and they showed very nicely. However I can see it takes a lot of editing to really make the graphs' meaning clear at a glance. I even produced 8 pies when on the employees report by changing the row/series settings -- but that was very difficult to digest. [pun intended!]

I think if I were Jerome I would stick with the package approach, making the second report a graph-only report -- and use the high-chart versions as they support the drill down on data.


Re: multiple pie chart on same report

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:40 am
by jollt

thank you Bo for your demo.
It works, but I am agree with Bob, the package approach is easier to manage.

Best regards,
