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Sort problem
Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:21 pm
by jollt
I see it's possible to sort dynamicaly the columns (an do a lot of drag and drop cool stuff) by clicking on the header of the column
It's working while I work in DAI, but it does not work when I call the report from my application
My version is the 6.4.31
Do I have to activate something to make this work by the users?
best regards,
Re: Sort problem
Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:48 pm
by Bob Cergol
Hi Jerome,
Do your users have design privileges? Specifically on this report?
Does the report specify that ownership is required to change groupings? etc. ("Column actions" is also a specific design privilege.)
These design permissions might be the issue.
Re: Sort problem
Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:44 pm
by jollt
I try several options, and nothing is working.
here is my report General Option Tab :
here is my user option tab :
Re: Sort problem
Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:26 pm
by Bob Cergol
I call reports from Visual Dataflex applications -- but in my case I restrict design access -- for some I hide the filters, for some I completely hide the navigation pane -- no "go" button, etc.
I think what you are trying to do should work -- but I will test and see if it works for me.
Re: Sort problem
Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:50 pm
by Bob Cergol
Hi Jerome,
I did a quick test calling a report directly from a URL, like,
The report ran, I drilled down to details, and was able to click on columns and sort. The drag-and-drop gesture for doing the sort did not work for me, but the direct column-click action worked fine for sorting. I tried some other drag-and-drop gestures, such as lower left to group by column and that worked fine.
I still think its a rights issue. If directly in Dyanamic AI, you "run as" the username that you specify when calling the report from you application, can you perform any of the on-screen sort and design functions? If not, then its a rights issue.
Re: Sort problem
Tue Aug 16, 2011 5:10 pm
by Bob Cergol
Correction! The drag-and-drop gesture to sort
did work for me -- once I used the correct one!
(Just a little distracted this morning....)