Auto Refresh of Dashboards

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Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby jason.roznovsky » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:05 pm

I read a previous post about having the ability to have dashboards automatically refresh. In that post, it states to set a refresh script in the Rules tab. This works for Reports since there is a Rules tab in the design of reports. For Dashboards, there is no Rules tab to set a refresh script. Below is the script:

What we have are 5-6 reports created and I can set a refresh script for each report. Of these reports, when I view just the report, it automatically refreshes based on what I set in the script. I assumed adding these reports to a dashboard, the rules for the report would follow, but that is not the case.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for getting the dashboard to automatically refresh.

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Re: Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby Bob Cergol » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:03 pm

Hi Jason,

A feature to auto-refresh report packages was added in recent versions -- I forget exactly which one but I think after 6.4.3# When you enter a value for refresh, at the top of the reports the HH:MM:SS will then display and the report should refresh as specified.

DAI_Dashboard_Refresh.png (21.04 KiB) Viewed 9568 times
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Re: Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby jason.roznovsky » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:39 pm


I did set that up for the dashboard. The problem is, that when it goes to refresh, it blanks out the report. For example, I setup a sample dashboard that displayed two charts (bar chart and pie chart). I set each one with their own refresh rate (30 sec and 60 sec). When the time hits for a refresh, the chart disappears. I still haven't figured a way around that.

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Re: Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby Bob Cergol » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:18 pm

Hi Jason,

In at least one database I have seen some issues with this new package refresh feature,-- specifically, when the "color code changes" option is checked. If you have it checked, try unchecking it. Also my screen shot showed "multi-run repeat" checked, but I believe that is not related to this auto-refresh feature -- maybe uncheck that if you have it checked. Also, in my testing, I found it was possible to set the refresh time so short relative to the time required to actually run the report, that an error was triggered. Test longer refresh intevals. Lastly, if you're packages only show a graph, can you test showing both the report and the graph? (Did you check the "general alerts" log for clues?)

Please let us know your results.

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Re: Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby jason.roznovsky » Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:41 pm

I have tried every different combination of options in the there. I will tell you this, if the package in the dashboard is a graph, it will not refresh. When it's interval comes up, the graph disappears. If the package is a report, such as a grid of data, it will refresh correctly.

Also, I did not see anything in the General Alerts.
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Re: Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby Bob Cergol » Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:17 pm

Hi Jason,

If you installed the demo site you should find a working example of a report package that displays multiple reports with graphs -- refreshing in 2 second intervals. (Stocks / Quotes / Tickers).
DAI_Example_Rpt_Package_Refresh.png (70.13 KiB) Viewed 9538 times

Can you tell me the version of Dynamic AI you are using, the graph type of each report, the report type (report, listing, scrollable list), and the style sheet used by each report?

There has to be some difference to explain the problem. Once we can reproduce it and determine why it doesn't work for you, we can fix whatever is wrong.

Thanks, and regards,
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Re: Auto Refresh of Dashboards

Postby Bob Cergol » Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:14 pm


I just tested a package of two reports with graphs using another live production database and a refresh interval of 5 seconds. I also made sure the data changed during an interval. It all works as expected. In case I didn't mention already, or you didn't notice, I can reproduce a problem if you select "color code changes" under the "screen realtime" heading in package design details. We are looking into that issue. Make sure those are unchecked as a test. Finally, also as a test, try one of the "ticker" graph types available in the drop down in package design details.

What backend database are you using in the reports?

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