Calculated Totals : % of sub totals
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:59 am
Hi, Is there any possibility to have a column which calculate automaticaly the percentage of the value regarding the sub-total and not the global total.
for exemple :
Stat Renouvellement Polices2
I need the calculated total to be 33.33% and 66.66% for the group Afrique du sud and 100% for the group Algeria. The values shown are percentage of the global total.
for exemple :
Stat Renouvellement Polices2
- Code: Select all
Country Policy Status Policy number Caculated totals
Afrique du Sud
1. Polices non renouvelées 1 0%
2. Polices Renouvelées 2 0%
Total (Afrique du Sud) 3 0%
2. Polices Renouvelées 19 3%
Total (Algerie) 19 3%
I need the calculated total to be 33.33% and 66.66% for the group Afrique du sud and 100% for the group Algeria. The values shown are percentage of the global total.