Preparing custom pages

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Preparing custom pages

Postby shearerg » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:11 am

Hi again,

I'm now looking at putting together dashboards, mainly using links to reports etc, which could be configured as START pages for users or groups. I think I've been using the correct approach, placing links, images and text within a dashboard page ... but I'm finding the process a bit frustrating.

I'm wondering if there are ways of overcoming things such as:
- limited text formatting (no underline, italic etc)
- lack of special characters such as bullets, arrows etc
- can insert a line ... but can't adjust length, weight, colour etc

None of these are show stoppers, but the available tools do make me feel a bit restricted. Am I missing something ... are there other tools I can use ... or am I perhaps looking for features that I really don't need?

Greg Shearer
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Re: Preparing custom pages

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:58 pm

Hi Greg,

You are right that the build-in formatting for text is limited to the options appearing on a right click.

Special characters you might find using the Web-dings fonts.

The inserted line is a HTML <HR> following whatever limitations that is having.

Best regards,
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Carsten Sørensen
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