Using Aliases , enforced

Technical support

Moderators: Bob Cergol, Data Access, Cintac

Using Aliases , enforced

Postby jldum » Tue May 11, 2010 12:23 pm

Hi there,

I tried the following without success, what am I doing wrong ?

1. on Administration , System Alias Tab flagged 'required' for alias1
2. on Dictionnary for a tableX/column set 'enforced filter' field to @alias1
3. via Administration , Users set Alias1 's value for user 1 to 10
4. created a report on tableX
no where clause is generated with the @alias1 variable

5. when modifiyng the user (other fields than alias) and saving
no warning is given that alias1 should be set

Awaiting reaction

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Re: Using Aliases , enforced

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Tue May 11, 2010 12:34 pm

Hi JLD, ... enance.htm

defines that alias should be entered as "alias1" without the @ in front in the dictionary - please try that.

The "required" option is checked when the user log in. If no alias1 is set on the user account then the user account is "invalid" and you can't log in.

Best regards,
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Carsten Sørensen
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