Using DAI agent

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Using DAI agent

Postby jldum » Mon May 03, 2010 10:36 am

Hi there,

I am looking for info on using the DAI Agent / scheduling function ...
did no found any online, is there some reference doc ?

I found the Topic initiated by Bob Cergol (Scheduled email delivery)
Looking on my local demo installation , I did not find the aimon.ini, daiagent.exe mentions in this topic.
but i found a AIAgentPING.exe

Any more info is welcome
Jean-Luc D
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Re: Using DAI agent

Postby Eddy Kleinjan » Mon May 03, 2010 12:44 pm

Hi Jean-Luc,

The Agent function of Dynamic AI works by pinging the Dynamic AI server so that it can check whether there are scheduled tasks that need to be executed. Here are the steps that you need to complete to make this work:

  • Make sure that you have a user called "AGENT" in your Dynamic AI installation. If you don't know the password for that "AGENT" user, then you should set it to a known password.
  • Edit the file called "Agent.ini" that you can find in the folder where you installed Dynamic AI. Make sure that the URL where it should look for Dynamic AI and the password of the AGENT user that you can find in there are correct.
  • Now you run AIAgentPing.exe whenever you want Dynamic AI to check whether it needs to execute some scheduled tasks. Usually AIAgentPing.exe itself is scheduled using the task scheduler of the operating system to let it run regularly, for example, once an hour.

Should you have any questions about this, then please let us know.

Eddy Kleinjan
Data Access Europe
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Eddy Kleinjan
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Re: Using DAI agent

Postby jldum » Tue May 04, 2010 2:39 pm

Hi Eddy,

thanks, will have a look
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