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report and graph (set # objects

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:20 pm
by jldum
Hi there,

I am looking to fix the following
1. I have a report with a graph
2. the report shows 7 items (Cy name) along the row dimension
3. the graph shows 5 items (cy name) only
Q: how can I manage the sync/async ism between graph and report ?

Awaiting reaction

Re: report and graph (set # objects

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:10 pm
by Carsten Sørensen

You should be able to find an option on the Design - Options - page. "Max numb. of bars" where you should be able to overwrite the default of 5.

Best regards,

Re: report and graph (set # objects

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 8:06 am
by jldum
Hi Carsteen,

right .. when I set the value on the options tab to 7, I see 7 bars in my graph
as I have currently 7 items as rows in the table

since the field # of bars in the options tab was left empty, I was expecting to get all values shown on the graph (as it is done on a cross-tab report)
I would consider this as a point of improvement ... in order to increase the consistency in the GUI and therefore ease the learning curve of a user/developer ... using DynamicAI becomes then more INTUITIVE instead of specifically technical.



Re: report and graph (set # objects

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2010 8:20 am
by jldum
Hi Carsten,
excuses for misspelling your name.