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Dynamic AI and SMTP Service questions

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:07 pm
by Bob Cergol

The web server on which Dynamic AI resides does not currently have an SMTP service installed. The DAI docs state you must have such a service running on the IIS web server. I might not be in a position to install that service on this server, but an SMTP service is already available on our network. I call this service from within my VDF applications using BLAT. I'm wondering if I can configure DAI somehow to use that same service and avoid dealing with changes in our network infrastructure over which I have no control.


Re: Dynamic AI and SMTP Service questions

PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:12 pm
by admin
Hi Bob,

If your SMTP server does not require authentication, it's fairly easy - just enter the name of the smtp server on the system configuration page shown below

If it does require authentication, you need to specify additional parameters in the system parameters section:

We support two different authentication schemes: Basic and NTLM, the difference being whether the password is encrypted or not.

If you use Basic (unencrypted) authentication, the following 2 parameters need to be set:
SMTPPSW : password

For NTLM authentication, also specify a parameter SMTPAuth with the value NTLM:

Best regards


Re: Dynamic AI and SMTP Service questions

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:18 pm
by Bob Cergol
Thanks Bo!
This was "easy as pie".
I tried it and it just works.
Now I can spoon-feed the hungry ... :wink: