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Installing on Windows XP

PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:25 am
by bgunda
I am trying to install Dynamic AI Personnel edition 6 downloaded from CNET on XP. I already installed IIS. Installation of Dynamic goes to about 98% and hangs saying "installing files" and the file name it shows is --
Teechart8.ocx c:\windows\system32. It hangs there forever.
When I aborted the installation, I saw the program folder was created and I also was able to run the Activation. But when I open Dynamic AI I am getting all sorts of errors.
I need help to resolve this and evaluate the product.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:00 pm
by Carsten Sørensen
It's not a problem that we have previously encountered. I therefore believe that it must have something to do with either the install package,user rights or virus protection.

I suggest the following:

If you are logged in with a user that are not having Adminsitrator rights - please do so in order to allow Dynamic AI to install the Teechart ocx (it's used to generate graphs).

1. Download a new copy to make sure that something is not wrong with the file. You can get it from either ZDNet or from:

2. Make a backup copy of your activation.ini located in the Dynamic AI installation folder\DAT folder in case a new install doesn't properly detect your old installation as an upgrade (because of the problems that you have encountered).

3. Before you install - Start / Run / IISRESET
to reset your IIS installation and release the current installation.

4. Before you install - disable virus scan (shouldn't be necessary / not normally a problem - but might be the reason) or watch whether you temporary needs to allow ocx installation in your virus protection.

5. Run the setup again.

Please let us know if you are still having problems after trying above!

Thanks for your interest in Dynamic AI!

...and thanks for letting us know that you encountered problems during install!!

Best regards,

Re: Installing on Windows XP

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:28 am
by admin
This post was not converted when we updated our forum software, so I am posting the missing remains of the thread here:

Hello Carsten,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I have tried different ways to get this working.
My environment is a Virtual machine (VMWARE) with Windows XP SP2 installed. There is no virus scan software on this. I have disabled firewall on this VM. I removed entire installation of Dynamic AI and cleaned up registry and downloaded from your site a fresh copy and re-installed. I followed all the steps that you have mentioned.
It went to the same point and stopped to continue. I checked to see and found that it has created a newTeechart8.ocx (I removed this file before installation started). I think it is the step after this point, it is not able to execute.

I am the only user on this VM and I have Admin privileges. Interestingly, I found that after this failed installation also the product is working now. Only thing I have observed is -- there are no icons created and it has put a lock somewhere in the OS saying that this installation is still pending. Due to this I am unable to install any other software on thsi VM.

I tried on another VM with same configuration and I ran into the same problem and there the product did not work at all.

If you can find anything on this, it would be great. Meanwhile, I am trying to evaluate this product.

Carsten Sørensen:
Hi again!

And thanks a lot for your feedback as well as trying the steps suggested!
I understand that you've had to spend some time on this - and we really appreciate your efforts!

We run Dynamic AI on WMWare Windows XP all the time - I think it also might be one of the platforms that we have tested the most - so it's very unfortunate that it is causing you problems!

I just looked in the install package code - and there should be nothing special about the steps around the installation of the ocx. I will discuss in more details with my colleagues and get back to you!

Thanks again for your patience!

Bo Andersen:

There is a Microsoft tool that can clean up failed installations available here:;en-us;290301

You could try to use it to remove the failed installation. Hopefully that will let you install other software again.

If that does not help, we'd be happy to try to directly find a solution using a remote desktop connection (or similar) to your virtual PC, or we could provide you with a place to upload your virtual machine so we can access it. -Whichever suits you better.

Best regards and happy thanksgiving

Bo Andersen

Hi Mr.Anderson and Carsten,

I really appreciate your prompt reply. I am really impressed your quick feedbacks. On doing further investigation I found the differences between two VMs that I have been using to do install -
VM-1 -- Installation failed,but the product is working.

The product is working. But the Program Files\Dynamic AI folder does not DLCL directory and many othe scripts and files that were listed in the documentation.

See the output of 'dir' command ran in the Installation Location --
E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI>dir
Volume in drive E is Data
Volume Serial Number is 04D2-6C3A

Directory of E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI

11/26/2009 06:05 AM <DIR> .
11/26/2009 06:05 AM <DIR> ..
11/26/2009 02:58 PM <DIR> COM
11/26/2009 06:05 AM <DIR> DAT
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 1,101,748,224 bytes free

E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI>cd dat

E:Program Files\Dynamic AI\DAT>dir
Volume in drive E is Data
Volume Serial Number is 04D2-6C3A

Directory of E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI\DAT

11/26/2009 06:05 AM <DIR> .
11/26/2009 06:05 AM <DIR> ..
11/22/2009 05:15 AM 186 activation.ini
12/11/2007 11:02 AM 200,704 BAK1_6_3_23_LCLDNMC.dai
12/11/2007 11:02 AM 200,704 BAK2_6_3_23_LCLDNMC.dai
06/24/2009 05:04 PM 1,474,560 BAK_6_3_23_DEMO.dai
12/11/2007 11:02 AM 200,704 BAK_6_3_23_LCLDNMC.dai
5 File(s) 2,076,858 bytes
2 Dir(s) 1,101,748,224 bytes free

E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI\DAT>cd ../com

E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI\COM>dir
Volume in drive E is Data
Volume Serial Number is 04D2-6C3A

Directory of E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI\COM

11/26/2009 02:58 PM <DIR> .
11/26/2009 02:58 PM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 1,101,748,224 bytes free

E:\Program Files\Dynamic AI\COM>

VM-2 -- Installation failed and product is not working.
I get 'Cannot connect' page when I click on the 'Open Dynamic AI' shortcut.
But this installation has many files listed in all the directories including 'registering' & 'unregistering' scripts.
This is matching with the documentation.

I am still confused to understand about what is happening.
I would be very happy to open a WEBEX to troubleshoot the problem. You can send me an email, when you are ready to do so. My email addres is


We've since been in email contact with the user