Other User Settings ???

Technical support

Moderators: Bob Cergol, Data Access, Cintac

Other User Settings ???

Postby Bob Cergol » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:51 pm


The documentation does not sufficiently explain the purpose of, and how to use, "Free 1 - 3" and changing of captions for system text for Aliases and Roles.

The Field Free 1 – 3 can be used for input of user attributes. Custom captions can be set by manipulating the System Text numbers, 853,854 and 855.
Alias captions 1-10 and e.g. Roles captions can be set in a similar fashion:
System text numbers are:
Alias1 825 Alias2 826 Alias3 827 Alias4 828
Alias5 829 Alias6 830 Alias7 831 Alias8 832
Alias9 833 Alias10 834
Role A 835 Role B 836 Role C 837 Role D 838
Role E 839 Role F 840 Role G 841 Role H 842
Role I 843 Role J 844

Can you give an example of using "Free 1" etc.

Regarding "system text" I was thinking I could make "Alias 1" display as "Account Filter" on all the user screens. I can't think of another purpose for being able to change the system text or caption -- assuming they are the same thing.

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Re: Other User Settings ???

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:38 pm

The use of Free 1 -3 could be for storing phone numbers, internal references used by User Admin etc. The fields are however only visible in Administration / or can be accessed directly in the Enterprise edition.

Changing the captions can be done like illustrated below.

The reason the documentation is not detailing too much about changing system text settings is that we rather have people telling us if a System text should be changed - apart from the case with alias's - which however is not visible (apart from advanced cases) to end-users and only something User Admin would see.

best regards
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Re: Other User Settings ???

Postby Bob Cergol » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:00 am


So can a "free 1 -3 " be referenced in report conditions? Output on reports?

The only reason I would change the caption on an alias would be to document for technical support folks and/or my poor memory what a particular alias had been used for. I can remember 1 and 2 and maybe 3, but after that it becomes "many" :) and I will forget and have to check. Thanks for the example showing how to do it.

I just tested the behavior of not specifying an alias# is required and not setting a value. If you don't set the alias value, then any reports that enforce it don't work, so if one is going to enforce an alias then one must also specify it as required, unless you don't want a user to see any results for reports with the data source that enforces it.

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Re: Other User Settings ???

Postby Carsten Sørensen » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:11 am

No the free 1-3 is currently just for information to the technical support/user admin staff. There is no special reason for this - just the way it is. For most - alias1-10 will be enough for reference purposes...

Best regards,
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