Auto Login
Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:28 pm
by Accola
Hello all. I was wondering if anyone within the Dynamic AI community has considered, or successfully implemented, an “auto-login” capability, utilizing windows credentials. The scenario would be a user has a shortcut to dynamic AI, once this shortcut is launched, based upon the windows credentials of the user logged in, Dynamic AI would open automatically to that user’s start page. Essentially I want to eliminate the need for two sets of username/passwords. Thank you for any insight
Re: Auto Login
Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:52 pm
by Bob Cergol
Just to make it clear to others reading this post -- you are specifically looking for a Microsoft style "Trusted" login, that Dynamic AI does not currently allow.
What it does currently allow, and that others are using to automate logins, is a URL syntax where user name and password are passed along with a parameter to load the menu interface and users' start page. The syntax for an “automatic” login with menu is:
(“Localhost” of course gets replaced with you site name.)
Also Dynamic AI does support integration with Active Directory using LDAP. This means that a user name in Dynamic AI's repository that matches a user name in Active Directory will allow that user to login in using their Windows password or their Dynamic AI password.