Overide High Chart options
Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:45 pm
by cavillafuerte
I am wanting to override some of the high chart options by using custom javascript in the rules tab but not having luck. Example, I have a report named 'Class' and by default the chart that is created will also use 'Class' as the title of the chart. When I insert the following custom javascript I expect the name of the chart to change but it remains as the name of the report. Is this by default and can't be changed?
text: 'Class - Spring'
I know I can change the chart title by changing the name of the report but using the rules tab to use my own javascript and manipulate the high charts is a huge plus for me. There are other times where my custom javascript doesn't override the current chart so just wondering if there are certain things that cannot be overridden?
Re: Overide High Chart options
Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:44 pm
by admin
If you look at the html source of the report, you may see that the title Dynamic AI sets is written after the js section that your js is in. In this case, you'd need to defer your script to after page load is complete.
Let me know if that is the case, and I will try to find a working solution for you.
Best regards
Re: Overide High Chart options
Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:56 pm
by cavillafuerte
Thanks for the info Bo. I have looked at the source for the report and my custom js is actually written after the DAI js options. I have copied the code showing this. In my custom js I am trying to change the title of the chart and disable datalabels. Neither is working.
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Re: Overide High Chart options
Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:00 am
by admin
To change the title:
you can enter the following js:
- Code: Select all
chart1.setTitle({text: "New Title"});
Highcharts already uses jquery, so this is all you need. My example with your chart (copied from this post is here:
http://jsfiddle.net/BoAndersen/MDFjq/3/I am not sure I know which labels you want to remove, but if you look at the source in jsfiddle (link above) you may be able to see which parameters to change and then put the relevant extra line of code in your js section.
Let me know if I can be of help.
Best regards