Totals, Top-down etc

Couple of general questions. I'm trying to replicate some stuff from a point of sale to allow me to sharepoint something to people who don't have direct access to that database.
1. There are several reports that summarise daily sales by showing the daily quantity sold but the weekly value:
Like this (simplified):
Item Monday Tuesday Weds Thurs Friday Saturday Total
1234 Bread 10 10 15 19 25 50 $322.60
1706 Pears 11 77 66 55 97 133 $277.56
I have quantity and value on every record, but I want to hide the value in the daily columns and the weekly total quantity. Any suggestions?
2. Same style report. I want to show a running % of the total , for the row totals column only.
3. I also want to identify top 50 by revenue. This sorta works if I click on AI but I want to deliver the report for just the top 50 without interaction.
4. (added 11/4/12) Similar style report to (1), but the individual row/column entries are counts of products meeting certain conditions each day. I want to use the totals column to show the average count for the week, but DynAI seems to think I'm trying to average the (text) product codes, rather than the derived counts. This is no doubt me not getting my head around some basic concept....
Thanks in anticipation. If you want me to break this up into multiple posts and give better examples just say the word.
1. There are several reports that summarise daily sales by showing the daily quantity sold but the weekly value:
Like this (simplified):
Item Monday Tuesday Weds Thurs Friday Saturday Total
1234 Bread 10 10 15 19 25 50 $322.60
1706 Pears 11 77 66 55 97 133 $277.56
I have quantity and value on every record, but I want to hide the value in the daily columns and the weekly total quantity. Any suggestions?
2. Same style report. I want to show a running % of the total , for the row totals column only.
3. I also want to identify top 50 by revenue. This sorta works if I click on AI but I want to deliver the report for just the top 50 without interaction.
4. (added 11/4/12) Similar style report to (1), but the individual row/column entries are counts of products meeting certain conditions each day. I want to use the totals column to show the average count for the week, but DynAI seems to think I'm trying to average the (text) product codes, rather than the derived counts. This is no doubt me not getting my head around some basic concept....
Thanks in anticipation. If you want me to break this up into multiple posts and give better examples just say the word.