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Export report to PDF

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:09 pm
by cavillafuerte
What 3rd party software is supported by Dynamic AI to export reports to PDF?

Re: Export report to PDF

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:31 pm
by Bob Cergol
Hi Carlos,

I've never used server side conversion of the HTML output to PDF, but the docs say:
The user can export a Report in PDF format. Requires that WebGrabber and ActivePDF Server are installed on the Dynamic AI server

Also, there is a checkbox on the systems settings general tab page to denote if PDF Webgrabber is installed so maybe that is hard coded or there is an undocumented parameter for use with other products. The docs say:
Use this option to make Dynamic AI aware that PDF export is available. Currently the export requires specific PDF 3rd Party software. Please contact CINTAC A/S for details.

I don't know why other similar products would not work. But let's see what someone from Cintac has to add.

You could of course use any virtual PDF printer to print reports (client side) to PDF such as PDF Creator, etc.


Re: Export report to PDF

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:38 pm
by cavillafuerte
Thanks Bob. I have tried to print to the Adobe PDF printer to create a pdf but the format gets messed up and some data gets cut off for some reason so I was wondering if a 3rd party server side software would address this issue. If I export the report to excel and then from excel print to the Adobe PDF printer, the format is saved and doesn't cut off data. I just want to be able to skip the step of exporting to excel first.

Re: Export report to PDF

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:13 pm
by Bob Cergol

I wonder if you're just printing from the tools menu in IE. If you right click on the report and select "print preview" you can select the frame (just the main report) instead of "as laid out on the screen". You can also "shrink to fit" or not. There are other controls as well. In Firefox and Chrome similar print controls are more immediately exposed.

I will pick one of my widest reports and try outputting to PDF using PDF Creator and send you the result.

We still need to hear from Cintac about server-based PDF options. But in case you want to try it, you can get an evaluation copy of the Web Grabber product from that vendors site using the link I provided above.


Re: Export report to PDF

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:11 pm
by admin
Hi Carlos,

Bob is right, the supported third party pdf creator is webgrabber from

(webgrabber used to be an add-on to activepdf server, but now it's stand alone - we list both because some customers still use the older versions of the activepdf software)

Best regards
